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Five Facts You Didn’t Know About McKesson Paragon® EHR Environment

Five Cool Facts About McKesson Paragon®

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McKesson Paragon® EHR Environment being used by skilled doctor.

Data & Workflow Automation within the McKesson Paragon® EHR Environment

When you hear the phrases, “Data Automation,” what do you think? Also, “Workflow Automation,” where does your mind travel? Several things probably come to mind. Especially anxiety. You studied to be a doctor, but your stuck because of the complexity. Have you been manually entering data over and over again? Are you are asked to retrieve the same data month after month? Are they from different systems? Finally, you compile them into one report. You may think, “I wish I could automate this!” Well, that’s Data and Workflow Automation.

We need to automate (eliminate) these type of manual processes. As a result, data entry errors are eliminated, time requirements are reduced, and individual productivity is maximized. Therefore allowing you to focus on contributing your part to the overall mission of your healthcare organization so it is cost-effective patient care. What manual tasks are you doing right now that need to be automated?


Five Facts About McKesson Paragon

  1. Almost Completely Eliminates Manual Procedures.

  2. Data entry errors are eliminated!
  3. Time requirements are greatly reduced.

  4. Productivity is maximized.

  5. Most cost-effective patient care.

In conclusion, We are living in an automated age. Let’s not live in yesterday with manual documentation. Furthermore, Digital record keeping is more effective and accurate. Thousands of hospitals have already experienced the benefits of Paragon. Now, it’s your turn.